The average house price on CONSTABLE AVENUE is £178,144
The most expensive house in the street is 16 CONSTABLE AVENUE with an estimated value of £245,718
The cheapest house in the street is 5 CONSTABLE AVENUE with an estimated value of £125,541
The house which was most recently sold was 12 CONSTABLE AVENUE, this sold on 18 Dec 2018 for £115,000
The postcode for CONSTABLE AVENUE is HU11 4HW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 CONSTABLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £191,868 £43,000 14 May 1999
5 CONSTABLE AVENUE Terraced £125,541 £72,500 31 Jan 2012
7 CONSTABLE AVENUE Terraced £156,104 £125,750 16 Nov 2018
8 CONSTABLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £206,240 £110,000 17 Apr 2009
10 CONSTABLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £194,474 £105,000 8 Jul 2005
12 CONSTABLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £142,912 £115,000 18 Dec 2018
14 CONSTABLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £162,296 £130,000 13 Jul 2018
16 CONSTABLE AVENUE Semi-Detached £245,718 £48,000 24 Jul 1997